Find Missing Manuals for PCs, Printers, and More

Find Missing Manuals for PCs, Printers, and More

Can't find the manual for your printer? Need instructions for the Dell laptop you picked up off Craigslist? Forget combing manufacturers' labyrinthine support pages--just head to Retrevo.

The site offers downloadable manuals for all kinds of electronics, from calculators and cell phones to TVs and remote controls. The only trick? Finding them.

When you first get to the site, you'll see it's positioned as an "electronics marketplace," offering a wealth of product prices and reviews.

Scroll down to the bottom, however, and you'll see a small section called Manual by Brands. Click the brand you're after, or, better yet, click All. You can also search for a particular product (say, an iPhone). And once you get anywhere past that home page, you'll see a big Manuals button in the toolbar near the top.

Better yet, just bookmark this link:

When you find the manual you want, you can download it as a PDF. According to a Retrevo PR rep, the site is home to over 100,000 manuals. I have no way of verifying that sky-high claim, but I will say this: if you're looking for a manual, Retrevo is a great place to start.